Specialization courses
Specialization courses
Course contents: Free Space Transmission and wireless links (Friis equation). Transmission over Irregular Terrain (Huygen principle, Uniform Theory of Diffraction, Fresnel Zones), path loss for line- and nonline of sight transmission, shadowing, attenuation models (Okumura-Hatta, Walfisch-Bertoni, COST231, etc. Characterization of multi-path effects (time and space characteristics, mechanisms and models), Doppler shift. Transmission characteristics in operational environments (indoor-outdoor, pico-, microcells, statistical and empirical and deterministic channels). Coverage calculations. Calculation and modeling methods for EM waves transmissions. Application and practice.
Assessment: Written exams at the end of the semester. It is possible that home assignments will be given which will contribute to the final grade with a percentage ranging between 10% and 20%.