The following laboratories have been established to cover the teaching and research needs of the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications:
- Computing Systems Laboratory
The laboratory is equipped with 16 high performance workstations and 8 backup workstations. The computers are provided with the Matlab simulation and algorithm development software (including Simulink and the relevant toolboxes), hardware design software by Mentor Graphics, Synplicity, Impulse Accelerated Technologies, Xilinx and Altera, as well as software development environments for ARM, Texas Instruments and Intel processors. Furthermore, development boards with Xilinx, ARM926EJ-S FPGAs and TI C6455 processors are available. The laboratory also provides equipment for the implementation of digital circuits with the use of discrete embedded circuits, digital oscilloscopes, signal generators and power sources.
Members: S. Blionas (Head), K. Masselos
- Knowledge and Uncertainty Laboratory
ΓΑΒ LAB - Knowledge and Uncertainty Research Laboratory is an interdisciplinary research team focusing on areas of applied informatics ranging from cultural, educational, and medical informatics to smart cities and applications for the environment. As far as basic research is concerned, focus is on data analytics, management of uncertainty, semantics, machine learning and fuzzy mathematics. The lab comprises around 60 members, including professors, senior researchers, postdoctoral, doctoral, graduate and undergraduate students, external collaborators and volunteers. The lab’s social footprint includes Innovation ΓΑΒ LAB, a non-for-profit organization it has founded in collaboration with municipalities from the Prefecture of Peloponnese with the aim to benefit society, with an emphasis on the younger generations.
Members: M. Wallace (Head)
URL: https://gav.uop.gr/
- Software and Database Systems Laboratory
The Software and Database Systems Laboratory (SoDa Lab) supports both research and teaching activities within the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications. More specifically, the SoDa lab:
develops research activities in state-of-the-art areas related to software systems and databases, including information representation and management (in areas pertaining to information retrieval/filtering, knowledge bases, information semantics), distributed computing (mainly cloud, grid and multi-agent systems), databases with special features (such as NoSQL, graph, spatial, and temporal), big data and data streams, artificial intelligence, service-oriented computing as well as related applications (including, e-government, ehealth, and digital libraries);
coordinates and implements R&D projects funded under Greek/European funding bodies, or under private/public institutions, while its members participate in many national and international projects/collaborations with top research institutions;
provides a workplace for PhD candidates, postgraduate students, and affiliated researchers who specialize on areas relevant to the laboratory’s interests;
provides the necessary infrastructure in terms of manpower and hardware/software for supporting a number of undergraduate (such as Databases, Big Data Management, Information Retrieval & Mining, Systems programming, Operating systems, Software Engineering, Data Management Systems, Programming) and postgraduate (such as Big Data Systems, Distributed/Web Information Management, Internet Programming, Netcentric Computing, Data/Knowledge Management) courses related to software and database systems;
is equipped with state-of-the-art workstations provided with specialized software including software development environments, database management systems, libraries for developing parallel/distributed applications, an intra-grid and a private cloud environment, as well as environments for distributed execution of programs.
Members: C. Vassilakis (Head), S. Skiadopoulos, C. Tryfonopoulos, P. Raftopoulou, G. Dimitroulakos
FB: sodaslab
LinkedIn: soda-lab
Twitter: sodasLab
- Human-Computer Interaction and Virtual Reality Laboratory
The Human-Computer Interaction and Virtual Reality Lab aims to support the research and teaching requirements of the department in issues related to the analysis, design, development, and evaluation of HCI and VR systems and applications. The Lab participates in national and international research projects, in the development of applications for culture, cybersecurity and video games.
Members: G. Lepouras (Head), N. Platis, S. Kapellaki
URL: https://hci-vr.dit.uop.gr/
FB: hci.uop
- Signal and Image Processing Laboratory
The laboratory is equipped with 10 workstations comprising of DSP development suite for analysis and verification of algorithms and real-time applications on the field of digital signal processing and telecommunications (e.g., broadband xDSL applications, OFDM, 802.11 WLAN), for algorithm evaluation and requirement’s assessment on digital processing applications, TMS320C6711 (DSP Starter Kit), TMS320C6701 (Evaluation Module-EVM), Code Composer Studio and Spectrum analyzer. The lab also includes workstations with MATLAB and System View software, as well as workstations for image and video processing, equipped with suitable peripherals (4 cameras, 1 video) and image and signal processing software (Matlab, Adobe Premiere).
Members: G.-O. Glentis (Head)
- Wireless and Mobile Communications Laboratory
The research area of the Lab is the Wireless and Mobile Communications and the relevant scientific subjects, such as Measurements of wireless telecommunication systems and networks (Land and airborne with drones, Radiocoverage and radiolink quality (air-interface), Narrowband and Wideband Radiochannel, Electromagnetic radiation), Wireless transmission. Development of stochastic and deterministic models Ray Tracing, Antennas,Smart Antennas and (um)ΜΙΜΟ systems, Wireless digital transmission techniques, Mobile and wireless communications Systems and Networks, Performance-Design and Dimensioning of wireless communications networks, Wireless communications in sub-6GHz, mmWave, sub-THz, and THz band, Wireless communication systems with Drones and applications, ΙοΤ systems and applications, Smart power grids and (e)V2X communications.
The lab has modern specialized measurement equipment which is constantly updated through National and European projects and supports measurements in state-of-the-art wireless communication systems (5G-6G) with Drones/UAVs up to 25kg fully equipped with autonomous navigation capabilities, three NARDA portable frequency selective SRM3006 with 5G, two fixed NARDA broadband up to 40GHz and fixed frequency selective station up to 6GHz, two Scanners up to 5G and 6GHz, complete measurement system from Enhancell (Echo One/Plus/Studio) with eight 5G testmobiles, complete measurement system from Nemo/Keysight with Outdoor and Handy testmobiles, IoT platform with Raspberry pi4 και z-wave/zigbee/WiFi/4G sensors, as well as lab instruments like signal generators, spectrum analyzers, vector analyzer, antennas, servers, computers etc.
The Lab supports courses and final year projects at undergraduate and postgraduate level for the MSc program on Modern Wireless Communications. Furthermore the Lab participates in R&D projects both national (e.g. Thalis-INTENTION, NSRF-PANDORA) and European (Η2020: BIMERR, MERLON, SYNERGIES, COREnect).
Members: G. Tsoulos (Head), A. Kaloxylos, G. Athanasiadou, D. Zarbouti
FB: wirelessuop
LinkedIn: wireless-uop
- Optical communications laboratory
The laboratory provides 10 workstations equipped with optical communications training packages, several types of optic fibers, connectors, fiber cutting equipment, welding instrument, back-reflection meter, loss measuring instrument, OTDR instrument, laser diodes, current source/temperature stabilizer, optical power meter, optical spectrum analyser, optical amplifier, resonating filter, photodiodes, electronic components, oscilloscope, and simulation software.
Members: A. Stavdas (Head), P. Kostopoulos
- Communication Networks and Network Applications Laboratory
The Communication Networks and Network Applications Laboratory carries out research activities in the field of network applications and services, wireless networks and communications, performance analysis of network mechanisms and wireless optical networks. The members of the laboratory teach and support relevant courses at the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the University of the Peloponnese. The laboratory participates in relevant national and international research programs and publishes the results of its research in international scientific journals and conferences.
Members: N. Tselikas (Head), K. Yiannopoulos, I. Moscholios, K. Seklou
- Cryptography and Security Laboratory
The Cryptography and Security Laboratory of the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of the Peloponnese, was established in 2018. The Lab’s mission is to support the Department’s academic programs and perform high–quality research by combining theory with practice in cutting-edge areas, which include but are not limited to:
- Applied cryptography, post–quantum cryptography, lightweight cryptography, blockchain and distributed ledgers, homomorphic encryption;
- Systems and network security, intrusion detection/response, cyber-security, IoT security, cyber-ranges, cyber-security training, semantic/provable security;
- Risk/threat modelling, dynamic risk/trust management, vulnerability assessment, threat forecasting, cyber-security incident response, cyber-threat intelligence.
The CryptoSec Lab has 24 members, namely 1 faculty member, 3 senior researchers, 6 PhD candidates, 4 junior researchers, and 10 MSc/BSc students, participating in its research activities. The lab has developed a broad national and international collaboration network, with well-known cyber-security organizations, companies and research groups, that is evidenced by the number of projects. More precisely, the lab’s members have been actively involved in more than 26 EU-funded and national projects by coordinating and technically managing the projects or by leading various research and innovation activities relevant to the team’s broad expertise.
The CryptoSec Lab has an excellent technological infrastructure, which is constantly renewed; in particular, it owns and operates:
- a high-performance rack-mounted server of 512GB total memory, with 64 execution cores (128 threads) and 16TB storage;
- a fully equipped lab with 12 high-performance workstations and specialized in-house developed SW being at the team’s disposal for various research and innovation activities;
a cyber-security training platform offering a large number of VMs for conducting hands-on exercises in various security domains.
Members: N. Kolokotronis (Head)
- Digital Communications and Systems Laboratory
Digital Communications and Systems Lab utilizes state-of-the-art equipment, covering a wide scientific area in telecommunication systems. It is supported by experienced academic staff, offering high level educational services at undergraduate and postgraduate level, while conducting innovative research in hot scientific areas.
DCS Lab uses the following equipment:
- Desktop PCs and servers
- Microcomputers– Raspberry boards and components
- Microcontrollers - Arduino boards and components
- Satellite equipment
- Spectrum analyzers
- Digital Oscillators
- Electronics
- Specialized software for telecommunications and measurements
- Software defined radio (SDR)
- Quadqopters (UAVs/Drones)
- Fixed-Wing autonomous aircraft (UAV)
- Unmanned vehicles (UxVs) systems and applications
DCS lab conducts also research in hot scientific areas. The main research topics are:
- Digital communication systems
- Satellite systems and networks
- Current and future systems of mobile communications (4G, 5G, 6G)
- Sensors networks, IoT, smart cities
- Machine learning techniques for telocommunications
- Information theory focused on telecommunications
- Telecommunications theory, modulation techniques, signal estimation and detection
- Simulation of Telecommunication systems
- Digital communications for optical-wireless communication systems
- MIMO systems
- Multihop netowrks tranmsission techniques and cooperation protocols
- Physical layer security
- Digital communications based on electricity transfer lines
- Telecommunications embedded systems
- Molecular communications
- Green communications based on energy harvesting systems
- Unmanned automous vehicles (UΑVs/DRONES): Systems and applications
Members: N. Sagias (Head), K. Peppas, M. Batistatos