Students can undertake an undergraduate thesis in their final year of studies and are expected to combine acquired knowledge. This is an intensive and relatively long effort targeting a specific problem.
Students choose a thesis subject relevant to their interests, and with the guidance of a supervisor, they study the literature, implement the project, and produce a final report that includes their results.
Thesis Undertaking
At the beginning of each semester, the Department's teaching personnel announce at least two thesis topics that they are willing supervise. All announced topic are also published at the Department's website. Within the next 15 days after the announcement of the topics, interested students should submit an application at the Department's Secretary stating 2-4 topics in an order of preference. A prerequisite for the thesis application is that the student does not need more than 10 courses to complete her studies.
Within 15 days from the applications' deadline, the undergraduate studies committee examines the applications of the students in consultation with the supervisors and announces the final assignments. For this purpose, the Committee takes into account the preferences of students and the workload of supervisors.
Thesis Preparation
The preparation of the thesis extends over at least two (2) semesters. Students can work individually or in groups of 2, depending on the supervisor's requirements.
The supervisor clearly defines the objectives of the thesis and provides suitable resources for its completion, monitors work progress and decides when it is completed. Supervisors also follow the preparation and the writing of the report.
The complete work consists of printed and online reference documentation.
Thesis Examination
The examination of the thesis carried out by a Committee including the supervisor and another professor of the Department. If the supervisor wishes, the committee could also include professors from other departments or visiting professors.
At least 10 days prior to the examination, the student delivers a complete copy of the thesis (printed and electronic form) to the supervisor, who shall invite the Exam Committee and forward to the committee members an electronic copy. In collaboration with the Secretariat the date and place of the examination is arranged, this information is announced to the academic community of the Department. The examination is open to the public.
After the successful completion of the examination, the student delivers a complete final copy (printed and electronic reference documentation) of the work to the Secretariat, after incorporating any suggestions from the exam committee.
Thesis Mark
The thesis is marked separately by each member of the examination committee and the final score is calculated as the mean of these scores. The average is rounded according to the current rating system of the Department. For the final mark the following are calculated:
- The results of the work
- The printed report
- Presentation
The exam committee sign the mark sheet (each student, in case of group projects, receives a separate mark).